Saturday, October 28, 2017

Language Talk Ep 15

Our fifteenth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, Overhaul of the Kentucky Program Reviews, features host Laura Roché Youngworth discussing with guests Kelly Clark and Alfonso de Torres Nunez from the Kentucky Department of Education the changes in process and format of the KY Program Reviews. Topics include: overall structure, reporting, and changes of the Program Reviews as well as detailed components of the Global Competency/World Language (GC/WL) Assurances and GC/WL Program Review. In the Polyglotting News, updates include state-wide efforts for the Seal of Biliteracy, Universities and Colleges happenings, and the KWLA board changes. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche ( or Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (